Simple and easy to make Bath Salts and Herby Baths. These also make great gifts, so with Christmas just around the corner, you could make these go a long way! Save jars and recycle them into attractive containers to put your Bath Salts in to… you can make your own pretty labels or even try your hand at glass painting the jars! Why not sew some pouches from muslin and hang them on the taps… the ideas are endless! Christmas doesn’t have to be a stressful expense, and the recession doesn’t mean missing out!

Things You’ll Need 

  • 10-inch circle of muslin fabric
  • 3 tbsp. Sea salts or Epsom salts
  • 3 tbsp. dried lavender
  • 1 tbsp. rolled oats
  • Elastic band or string
  • Ribbon (optional)


  1. Cut out a circle of the fabric that measures 10 inches in diameter.
  2. Mix together the bath salts, lavender and oats.
  3. Place the mixture in a pile in the centre of the fabric circle.
  4.  Pull the fabric tightly around the mix, and secure it into a bundle with an elastic band or tie it off with string.
  5. Tie a piece of decorative ribbon around the top of the bag if you wish.